are beautiful board games with simple rules but with broad strategic possibilities.
You will enjoy go-moku and renju especially with good opponent. It is not enough to play by intuition and wait for an opponent mistake. If you want to win you have to find an ideal strategy. You can be sorry for every weak move.

In this way go-moku and renju are not any worse than much more famous games such as chess or GO. If you want to be ranked among the best players you have to play a lot and you also have to study.


TOP 10

1. cz 36976 p
2. sk 3025 p
3. hu 2911 p
4. se 2062 p
5. pl 1959 p
6. ru 1016 p
7. ua 750 p
8. ee 442 p
9. us 379 p
10. jp 348 p

Latest tasks:

ID: Game: Author: Date:
#935 Gomoku Hasse 26.12.
#934 Gomoku Krausik 13.11.
#933 Gomoku Hasse 17.08.
#932 Gomoku Hasse 17.08.
#931 Gomoku Hasse 03.08.

Gomoku - The most successful users:

  Nick: Name: Points:
11. peroxidGender: Male Štěpán Tesařík 1136 / 1146 b
12. HasseGender: Male František Fňukal 1084 / 1146 b
13. Gregi73Gender: Male Miroslav Háša 1066 / 1146 b
14. cerokGender: Male Petr Žižka 1039 / 1146 b
15. MartezGender: Male Martin Muzika 1020 / 1146 b

Renju - The most successful users:

  Nick: Name: Points:
1. flaxxGender: Male Björn Lind 322 / 324 b
2. villemGender: Male 315 / 324 b
3. VessagoGender: Male Gergő Tóth 300 / 324 b
4. frankovkaGender: Male Martin Kubát 283 / 324 b
5. PsykoGender: Male Jan Fanell 263 / 324 b

New registered users:

Nick: Name: Date:
vovesGender: Male Ondřej 17.05.
SamrakuGender: Male 10.05.
endruGender: Male 30.04.
ŠprtGender: Male 30.04.
JiduleGender: Male 27.04.

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chyba, sakra!